Salam 'alaykum warahmatullah~~
to anyone who's been following my blog ( which i dun think there's any wif the exception of my faithful sweetie, hehe..)( thanx sayang, 4 ur never-ending support means soo much to me
), have u guys noticed a slight difference in my blog?
huhu it took me one whole nite to figure out how to make changes here n there,
its not yet satisfying, still there's laccunae here n there, tp i'll improve, insyaAllah
im becoming more n more interested in blogging, somehow, hehe..
so lookout 4 more n more upgrades ( me not rlly gud in tech-oriented stuffs, but i'll give it my best shot! )
oh ye.. proviso ; if i've adequate time n energy to, hehe.. ( real life comes 1st, virtual 2nd, kan? hehe.. )
em nothing rlly interesting to share.
last weekend me n orhan followed abah to his friendly game with the RSC ppl (Royal Selangor Club)
the place was like.. emm.. scary?
the place was like.. emm.. scary?
ppl were drinking here n there like there's nothing wrong with it
they even put up a BIG tiger beer banner in front of the cafe ( or the bar perhaps? )
i had once heard abt the 'freemason'ry elements of the RSC tp Allahu a'lam, its better to not make any presumption
i had once heard abt the 'freemason'ry elements of the RSC tp Allahu a'lam, its better to not make any presumption
hurm, but if its true, it wud not be rlly shocking, considering how scary dat place is..
btw, we blah as soon as we got the chance to! ( at last, alhamdulillah )
i hope nxt tym they're going to organize any friendly matches, it wud not be held at RSC again
n if they do, i've to think abt a hundred times, to go or not to go
n if they do, i've to think abt a hundred times, to go or not to go
well anyway, i did snap a few pics of orhan and abah during the match n am glad to show em off 'ere, hahaha

orhan pn warm up gak, hehe
coach, ble orhan pnye turn nk masuk ni?
penatla mama~~
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