Salamullah alaykum~
herrmm.. am not really happy 2day..
before maghrib juz now me n cptain went to the pasar malam,
the one just outside uia's back entrance.
saje je nak stroll around sambil2 looking for smthing yummy
its been kinda long since ktorang last jalan2 kat situ
o yerp we didn't bring our little warlord along bcoz cptain picked me up after class juz after he got back from work, plus we naik motor.. hehe
cptain, as always, held my hand in his n smtimes he even rested his hand on my shoulder
i dun think there's anything wrong wif dat tp i noticed dat it caused uneasiness to the crowd
they were looking at us wif 'dat-kinda-look', n started whispering among themselves n wat had really triggered my anger was dat i heard one of them saying smthing like 'dahla pkai tudung labuh' or smthing like dat..
Am really really angry at dat point of time to the extend dat i was thinking to turn around n say 'hey, agak2la nk ngumpat pn jgnla kuat sgt, btw he's my husbandla, husnu zann la skit,~ ' or even a little backside kick? (kan action speaks louder than words?)( heehee itu tadi ye..)
luckily i didn't! hehe.. me tanak lose to my no-point-being-angry anger! ^^
tapi i still wonder..
i wonder if it's us holding hands?
well i dun think dat wud be a problem bcoz we're married..
i wonder if it's me not wearing my rings to tell e world dat we're tied with the sacred knot of marriage?
hermm dat cudn't be it.. says who dat rings are signs of marriage?
i've lotsa frens who wear rings n yet are singles
n i myself dun wear my wedding rings.. n am alhamdulillah happily married~
do correct me if im wrong, but i thot dat the tradition of trading rings is borrowed from other societies, and Muslims are told not to imitate non-Muslims in such traditions..
one may argue dat there's nothing wrong in adopting a tradition dat is not in contravention with the syari'ah, but still.. one cudn't rely or base an argument upon it kan? bkn compulsory pn..
so ntahla.. Allahu a'lam. Only The Most Knowledgable knows best~
emm hehe do 4give me ya.. i was intending to share my thought on dat matter, professionally, and 'cool'ly, tp 'ter'emotional pulak, hehe..
kan to err is human, ( i noe am not supposed to use dat s n xcuse to keep doing it, tp do take it easy on me dis tyme ya..)
oh ya, nak share dis one hadith yg we all slalu gune tym skolah.. "la taghdhab", means "do not get angry", a simple yet not-so-easily-practised message, specially dedicated to me myself n those who occassionally fell victim to his or her own temper..
Abû Hurayrah relates that a man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Counsel me.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not get angry.” The man repeated his request many times, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) kept saying: “Do not get angry.”
[ Sahîh al-Bukhârî ]
so what to do when smone shot us dat-kinda-look n we're like.. okayy.. ini sudah lebeyh...?
Well.. The Prophet did provide us with guidance on anger management..
We should seek refuge with Allah when we become angry. Two men began hurling insults at one another in the presence of the Prophet (peace be upon him), each one insulting the other with such anger that his face had turned red. Th e Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I know a word that if one were to say it, what stresses him would go away. If he would but say: ‘I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Accursed'.” [ Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim ]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised us not to speak when we are angry. He said: “If one of you gets angry, he should be quiet.” [ Musnad Ahmad ]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave us other practical advice. He said: “If one of you gets angry and he is standing, then he should sit down until his anger subsides. If it does not, then he should lie down.” [ Sunan Abî Dâwûd ]
He also said: “Anger is from Satan, and Satan was created from fire. Fire is but extinguished by water, so if one of you gets angry, he should perform wudû'.” [ Sûnan Abî Dâwûd and Musnad Ahmad ]
so luckily i kept quiet tadi! ;p (hehee nak jgk..) (eyes rolling - yelah dijah, yelah..)
am now not angry anymore^^
Alhamdulillah~~~ ^o^
hehe my dearest told me dat i shud look at it on the bright side of the pic, it can be dat they haven't any idea dat we're married considering how young n bubbly we look, n i do think he's righto! haha..
so remember darlings~
'laa taghdhaab'~~
bcoz the Prophet defines 'a strong man' as a man who is able to hold on to himself when he gets angry, n not those who r physically strong dat he can take another man down~
p/s:- me wants to be strong too! (more rolling eyes - baiklah dijah~~)
hehe InsyaAllah~ may Allah always be in our hearts^^
love love
till next time
thank you 4 ur time n wassalam.
orhan has his own special way to cool mama down when she gets all red, hehehe~~
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