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Friday, November 6, 2009

little warlord orhan ghazi

salaaam 'alaykum!

hehehehe... its been too long since my last entry kan?
sori farah, malas teramat!

skarang pn tgh sgt malas lg smnarnye..

btw, a lil updates here n there..

orhan is now a one n almost a half year old warrior~!! yeay alhamdulillah~~

a big boy he is now, we can most of the time actlly understand wat he's trying to say or convey
when he wants smthing, he'll say it out loud
n when he doesn't like smthing, he also has his own way of showing it to mama n babah, yes, out loud, too..

he loves icecream, or 'yeim' as he described it, slalu je pow icecream yg babah bli utk mama, it seems dat now i've a rival! n a hard-to-resist one too! hehe..
he also loves chocolate n cookies! n yes, he loves keropok! hehehe.. cucu to'ki kan..
he could survive on just keropok, tanak makan nasik n all dat, n pantang nampak balang keropok, or he'll go 'papok papok~!!!' even if tade keropok pn dalam tu..
haiih~ orhan, u're lucky to'ki slalu g tganu n bwk balik keropok.. kalu tak..

he lovees football, anak babah le katekan..
he can actlly sits in frnt of the laptop for hours watching football clips wif babah ( x buring ke derang nih?)
he even teman babah tgk bola, smtimes in the middle of the nite when other babies are supposed to be sleeping! ( hisy orhan nih...)
to the extent dat when he heard a commentator in the radio ( i repeat, the radio, wif no images of ppl playing football ) comment on football games, he'd put his hands in the air and said wif a big smile,
~DOOOAALLL~ ( means goal ye people )
haha.. i love seeing him so into smthing, indeed he's a big active boy now ^^

he can count up to four, hehe..
i tried teaching him 'five' but after four, he'll repeat three n four n three again n four again, xpela, skehatila orhan, hehe..
he'll count how many scoops mama will put in his 'dudu' ( susu ye ), takut mama catu eh..
n he'll go 'one', 'two', 'thee', 'phoor', 'thee', 'phoor', n so on.. ( ble nak five plak ni orhan?)

he loves pocoyo^^, calls him 'yo' or smtimes 'yoyo'
so we would search 4 pocoyo clips on youtube, 4 him to watch, n then he'll duduk diam, hehe..
slalu sgt tgk pocoyo, to the extent mama n babah pn dh terminat pocoyo^^

he loves 'meoww' too!^^
pantang nampak kucing, mesti nak dipeluknye..
we have dis really garang kucing at home, wc we call awang
he wears a full black coat with white pairs of stockings, sbijik cam panglima awang hitam widget kat sblah tu..
sangat garang i tell you.. pantang tgesel ngn kaki orang, habis kne cakar..
so ktrg sme took judicial notice not to be too close with him n to keep our distance whenever he's around.. ( mcm die pnye umah plak..)
tapi orhan.. isy isy.. dh kne cakar byk kali pn x insaf2 lagi.. msti nak kcau pacik awang tu..

oo yes he knows how to perform solat too.. hehe.. mama's so proud of you, young man^^
he will always tag around when we all sibuk amik wudhu' n bntang sejadah nak solat..
siap ade sejadah n songkok sndiri lagi, hehe..
so whenever ktrg siap2 nk solat, he'll take out his sejadah n wears his songkok n starts 'barr' (Allahuakbar) n do some movements dat resembles ruku', sujud, n all.. sgt comell^^
he will also tadah tangan when its time to bce doa n will say 'miin' (aamiin) even when the doa's not yet finished, hehe..

hmm so many to tell yet too little time to..
i'll update on the rest later^^
till then (wc might be months from now, knowing me),
bubbye~~ n wassalam^^

o yep, orhan is indeed a big boy now..
he graduated few weeks back n it made me feel so proud.. n oldd.. hehehe..
i haven't myself graduated! langkah bendul la orhan nih..

so now, allow me to present...
Prof. Dr. Orhan Ghazi b Hafizulfahmi!


  1. at laaaaassstttt~! *phew~!*
    aaah~~xleh malas2..when it comes to blogging,no compromise! hahaha... ;P
    mkn eskrem?kropok?byk tgk katun?sounds like mama orhan tym ank dara dlu jerr...
    he'll noe how to count 'five' when his mama add another scoop smpai jd 5 kt susu dia.. ;)
    waa..orhan da hensyem laa...aunty nk ngorat leh? tp aunty xnk mak mentua grg mcm mama orhan..hehe..
    k,tk care djah!!
    hope 2 c more apdets after diz..xde psal nt pn xpe,jnji psal orhan ade..hahaha! kiddin..

  2. hee..klakar bace kisah anak djah.. budak kecik! (mcm lah kte dulu tak mcm tuh kann..).. kegembiraan memiliki anak sgt2 berbeza dgn org yg buajng...kekeke..btol tak djah??! die lah pengubat hati..dan juga argghh penyakit hati bile buat hal!!
